Remember Credentials Preference

The API user can specify whether the passed credentials can be used by Sandbox to provide additional functionality while Submitting a Form 16 Download Job. The preference can be specified via the remember_me key in the request body.


When submitting a job, users can set the remember_me preference to either true or false. This setting determines how credentials are stored and how the job completion status is retrieved.

If remember_me is true:

  • Credential Storage: Sandbox stores the user's credentials securely for the duration of the job.
  • Webhook Notifications: Sandbox sends webhooks to notify the user when the job is completed.
  • Polling Jobs: Users do not need to share their credentials in the poll job request. They can simply poll for the job status without needing to authenticate again.

If remember_me is false:

  • No Credential Storage: Sandbox does not store the user's credentials.
  • No Webhook Notifications: Sandbox cannot send webhooks to notify the user when the job is completed.
  • Polling Jobs: Users will need to poll the job twice to get the latest status:
    • First Poll: Used to log in and check the status. The user must provide credentials in this poll.
    • Second Poll: Provides the actual status of the job after logging in. This poll will confirm the latest status.