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TIN FC APIDownload CSIGenerate OTPpostVerify OTPpostGenerate FVUSubmit JobpostPoll JobgetE-File TDS ReturnSubmit JobpostPUT RequestPoll JobgetFetch JobspostTDS Certificate APIDownload Form 16Submit JobpostRemember Credentials PreferencePoll JobpostFetch JobspostDownload Form 27DSubmit JobpostRemember Credentials PreferencePoll JobpostFetch JobpostTDS Analytics APIPotential Notice APISubmit JobpostNon-Salary PaymentsNRI PaymentsSalary PaymentPoll JobgetFetch JobspostTCS Analytics APIPotential Notice APISubmit JobpostPUT RequestPoll JobgetFetch JobspostUtilitiesXLSX to Sheet-JsonSubmit JobpostPUT RequestPoll JobgetSheet-Json to XLSXSubmit JobpostPUT RequestPoll JobgetAnnexuresKYC Master DataIncome TaxEntitiesTradebook | Domestic SecuritiesTradewise Settlement | Domestic SecuritiesScripwise Settlement | Domestic SecuritiesTradewise Tax P&L | Domestic SecuritiesScripwise Tax P&L | Domestic SecuritiesTradebook | Foreign SecuritiesTradewise Settlement | Foreign SecuritiesTradewise Tax P&L | Foreign SecuritiesScripwise Tax P&L | Foreign SecuritiesTradebook | CryptoTradewise Tax P&L | CryptoTradebook | Crypto | ReportingTradewise Tax P&L | Crypto | ReportingTest CasesCryptocurrency P&LAnnexuresGSTEntitiesMaster DataTest CasesTDSEntitiesMaster DataTest CasesITC Ledgerget https://api.sandbox.co.in/gst/compliance/tax-payer/ledgers/itcGet Input Tax Credit (ITC) ledger between the passed from and to. Response gives transactions as well as opening and closing balance for IGST, CGST, SGST and Cess.