Tradewise Tax P&L | Domestic Securities

Tax Pnl Summary Sheet

Assetwise Summary Table

asset_classstringAsset class of the securities, possible values
equity, debt, other
asset_typestringAsset type of the instrument, possible values
stock, mutual_fund, etf,future,option,bond,debenture
income_headstringIncome head under which income from a particular asset type is taxed
Possible values, capital_gains,business_and_profession,and other
income_sub_headstringIncome sub-head of that income head, possible values
securities, other_capital_gains,speculative,non-speculative
tax_ratestringRate at which a particular income is to be taxed as per income tax act.
sectionstringThe section under which it will be taxed
holding_periodstringHolding period, possible values
intraday, long_term, short_term
turnovernumberTurnover or revenue from a particular asset type
buy_valuenumberTotal purchase value
cost_of_acquisitionnumberTotal purchase value after considering its FMV as on 31.01.2018
sell_valuenumberTotal sale value
realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the asset without considering transfer expenses
transfer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of a asset.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the asset after considering transfer expenses
taxable_pnlnumberThe profit after losses adjustment on which taxes are calculated.

Tax Pnl Summary Table

income_headstringIncome head under which income from a particular asset type is taxed
Possible values, capital_gains,business_and_profession,and other
income_sub_headstringIncome sub-head of that income head, possible values
securities, other_capital_gains,speculative,non-speculative
holding_periodstringHolding period, possible values
intraday, long_term, short_term
tax_ratestringRate at which a particular income is to be taxed as per income tax act.
turnovernumberTurnover or revenue from a particular income
buy_valuenumberTotal purchase value
cost_of_acquisitionnumberTotal purchase value after considering FMV as on 31.01.2018
sell_valuenumberTotal sale value
realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss without considering transfer expenses
transfer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of a asset.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss after considering transfer expenses
taxable_pnlnumberThe profit after losses adjustment on which taxes are to be calculated.

Stock Tradewise Tax Pnl Sheet

Stock Tradewise Tax Pnl Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
symbolstringSymbol or description of equity stock
quantitynumberTrading quantity
transfer_datenumberThe date on which the transfer completed
pricenumberThe price at which a unit was transferred
transfer_typestringIndicates whether the transfer is: IN or OUT
nature_of_transferstringRefer to Nature of Settlement
transfer_valuenumberTotal trading amount
transfer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of stock

Stock Transaction Summary Table

nature_of_transactionstringRefer to Nature of Transfer
total_transaction_valuenumberTotal value of the all the transactions
realised_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
transafer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of stock.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses

Stock Tradewise Holding Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
symbolstringSymbol or description of equity stock
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_datenumberThe date on which the equity stock was bought
buy_pricenumberThe price at which the stock was bought
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricestringLast traded market price of the equity stock.

Stock Tradewise Open Sell Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
symbolstringSymbol or description of equity stoc
quantitynumberTrading quantity
sell_datenumberThe date on which the equity stock was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which stock was sold
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricenumberLast traded market price of the equity stock.

Stock Delivery Tradewise Tax P/L Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
symbolstringSymbol or description of stock
is_listedbooleanis the stock listed in public markets
is_stt_paidbooleanwas security transaction tax paid on this trade
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the buy transaction
buy_datenumberThe date on which the equity share was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
sell_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the sell transaction
sell_datenumberThe date on which the stock was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
fmvnumberFair market value as on 31.01.2018
cost_of_acquisitionnumbercost of acquisition considered for calculating taxable pnl.
brokeragenumberBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnover_feesnumberTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberStamp duty paid on transfer of stock
sgstnumberState GST
cgstnumberCentral GST
igstnumberIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberAny other expense relating to the transfer of stock
nature_of_settlementstringThe nature of the transaction of the equity stock
realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
total_transfer_expensesnumberAny expense relating to the transfer of stock.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses
taxable_pnlstringThe taxable amount of the trade
holding_periodstringThe holding period of the equity utual fund could be either long_term or short_term
turnovernumberTurnover of the transaction
income_headstringThe income head of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
income_sub_headstringThe income subhead of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
tax_ratestringThe applicable tax rate for the trade.
sectionstringThe section under which it will be taxed

Stock Intraday Tradewise Tax P/L Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
symbolstringSymbol or description of stock
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the buy transaction
buy_datenumberThe date on which the equity share was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
sell_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the sell transaction
sell_datenumberThe date on which the stock was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
brokeragenumberBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnover_feesnumberTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberStamp duty paid on transfer of stock
sgstnumberState GST
cgstnumberCentral GST
igstnumberIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberAny other expense relating to the transfer of stock
realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
total_transfer_expensesnumberAny expense relating to the transfer of stock.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses
taxable_pnlstringThe taxable amount of the trade
turnovernumberTurnover of the transaction
income_headstringThe income head of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
income_sub_headstringThe income subhead of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
tax_ratestringThe applicable tax rate for the trade.

Mutual Fund Tradewise PnL Sheet

Mutual Fund Tradewise Transfer Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
scheme_namestringSymbol or description of fund
asset_classstringAsset class of fund, possible values
equity, debt, other
quantitynumberTrading quantity
transfer_datenumberThe date on which the transfer completed
pricenumberPrice at which a unit was transferred
transfer_typestringIndicates whether the transfer is: IN or OUT
nature_of_transferstringRefer to Nature of Transfer
transfer_valuenumberTotal trading amount
transfer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of mutual funds

Mutual Fund Transaction Summary Table

nature_of_transactionstringRefer to Nature of Transaction
total_transaction_valuenumberTotal value of the all the transactions
realised_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
transafer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of mutual funds.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses

Mutual Fund Tradewise Holding Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
scheme_namestringSymbol or description of MF unit
asset_classstringAsset class of fund, possible values
equity, debt, other
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_datenumberThe date on which the MF unit was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricestringLast traded market price of the MF unit.
unrealized_pnlstringUnrealized pnl on the holding

Mutual Fund Tradewise Open Sell Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
scheme_namestringSymbol or description of MF unit
asset_classstringAsset class of fund, possible values
equity, debt, other
quantitynumberTrading quantity
sell_datenumberThe date on which the MF unit was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricestringLast traded market price of the MF unit.
unrealized_pnlstringUnrealized pnl on the holding

Mutual Fund Tradewise Tax P/L Table

This table represents all your Mutual Fund tradewise settlements

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
scheme_namestringSymbol or description of fund
asset_classstringAsset class of fund, possible values
equity, debt, other
is_listedbooleanis the mf listed in public markets
is_stt_paidbooleanwas security transaction tax paid on this trade
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the buy transaction
buy_datenumberThe date on which the fund was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
sell_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the sell transaction
sell_datenumberThe date on which the fund was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
fmvnumberFair market value as on 31.01.2018
cost_of_acquisitionnumbercost of acquisition considered for calculating taxable pnl.
nature_of_settlementstringThe nature of the transaction of the fund
realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
transfer_expensesnumberAny expense relating to the transfer of shares.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses
taxable_pnlstringThe taxable amount of the trade
holding_periodstringThe holding period of the mutual fund could be either long_term or short_term
turnovernumberTurnover of the transaction
income_headstringThe income head of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
income_sub_headstringThe income subhead of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
tax_ratestringThe applicable tax rate for the trade.
sectionstringThe section under which it will be taxed

ETF Tradewise PnL Sheet

ETF Tradewise Transfer Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
scheme_namestringSymbol or description of fund
asset_classstringAsset class of fund, possible values
equity, debt, other
quantitynumberTrading quantity
transfer_datenumberThe date on which the transfer completed
pricenumberPrice at which a unit was transferred
transfer_typestringIndicates whether the transfer is: IN or OUT
nature_of_transferstringRefer to Nature of Transfer
transfer_valuenumberTotal trading amount
transfer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of ETF

ETF Transaction Summary Table

nature_of_transactionstringRefer to Nature of Transaction
total_transaction_valuenumberTotal value of the all the transactions
realised_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
transafer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of mutual funds.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses

ETF Tradewise Holding Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
scheme_namestringSymbol or description of etf
asset_classstringAsset class of fund, possible values
equity, debt, other
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_datenumberThe date on which the unit was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricestringLast traded market price of the unit.
unrealized_pnlstringUnrealized pnl on the holding

ETF Tradewise Open Sell Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
scheme_namestringSymbol or description of fund
asset_classstringAsset class of fund, possible values
equity, debt, other
quantitynumberTrading quantity
sell_datenumberThe date on which the unit was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricestringLast traded market price of the unit.
unrealized_pnlstringUnrealized pnl on the holding

ETF Delivery Tradewise Tax PnL Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
scheme_namestringSymbol or description of etf
asset_classstringAsset class of fund, possible values
equity, debt, other
is_listedbooleanis the fund listed in public markets
is_stt_paidbooleanwas security transaction tax paid on this trade
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the buy transaction
buy_datenumberThe date on which the etf was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
sell_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the sell transaction
sell_datenumberThe date on which the etf was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
fmvnumberFair market value as on 31.01.2018
cost_of_acquisitionnumbercost of acquisition considered for calculating taxable pnl.
brokeragenumberBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnover_feesnumberTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberStamp duty paid on transfer of etf
sgstnumberState GST
cgstnumberCentral GST
igstnumberIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberAny other expense relating to the transfer of etf
nature_of_settlementstringThe nature of the transaction of the etf.
realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
total_transfer_expensesnumberAny expense relating to the transfer of etf.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses
taxable_pnlstringThe taxable amount of the trade
holding_periodstringThe holding period of the etf could be either long_term or short_term
turnovernumberTurnover of the transaction
income_headstringThe income head of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
income_sub_headstringThe income subhead of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
tax_ratestringThe applicable tax rate for the trade.
sectionstringThe section under which it will be taxed

ETF intraday Tradewise Tax PnL Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
scheme_namestringSymbol or description of etf
asset_classstringAsset class of fund, possible values
equity, debt, other
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the buy transaction
buy_datenumberThe date on which the etf was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
sell_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the sell transaction
sell_datenumberThe date on which the etf was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
brokeragenumberBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnover_feesnumberTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberStamp duty paid on transfer of etf
sgstnumberState GST
cgstnumberCentral GST
igstnumberIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberAny other expense relating to the transfer of etf
realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
total_transfer_expensesnumberAny expense relating to the transfer of etf.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses
taxable_pnlstringThe taxable amount of the trade
holding_periodstringThe holding period of the etf could be either long_term or short_term
turnovernumberTurnover of the transaction
income_headstringThe income head of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
income_sub_headstringThe income subhead of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
tax_ratestringThe applicable tax rate for the trade.

Future Tradewise Tax Pnl Sheet

Future Tradewise Open Position Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
contract_namestringSymbol or description of the contract
asset_classstringAsset class of contract, possible values
equity, currency & commodity
quantitynumberTrading quantity, a negative quantity indicates short sell
trade_datenumberThe date on which the contract was traded
trade_pricenumberPrice at which contract was traded
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricestringLast traded market price of the contract.
unrealized_pnlstringUnrealized pnl on the open position.

Future Tradewise Tax Pnl Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
contract_namestringName of contract
asset_classstringThe asset class of the contract. Possible values
equity, currency & commodity
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the buy transaction
buy_datenumberThe date on which the contract was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
sell_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the sell transaction
sell_datenumberThe date on which the contract share was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
brokeragenumberBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnover_feesnumberTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberStamp duty paid on transfer of shares
sgstnumberState GST
cgstnumberCentral GST
igstnumberIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberAny other expense relating to the transfer of shares
nature_of_settlementstringThe nature of the settlement of the contract
realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
transfer_expensesnumberAny expense relating to the transfer of shares.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses
taxable_pnlstringThe taxable amount of the trade
turnovernumberTurnover of the transaction
income_headstringThe income head of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
income_sub_headstringThe income subhead of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
tax_ratestringThe applicable tax rate for the trade.

Option Tradewise Tax Pnl Sheet

Option Tradewise Open Position Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
contract_namestringSymbol or description of the contract
asset_classstringAsset class of contract, possible values
equity, currency & commodity
quantitynumberTrading quantity, a negative quantity indicates short sell
trade_datenumberThe date on which the contract was traded
trade_pricenumberPrice at which contract was traded
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricestringLast traded market price of the contract.
unrealized_pnlstringUnrealized pnl on the open position.

Option Tradewise Tax Pnl Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
contract_namestringName of contract
asset_classstringThe asset class of the contract. Possible values
equity, currency & commodity
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the buy transaction
buy_datenumberThe date on which the contract was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
sell_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the sell transaction
sell_datenumberThe date on which the contract share was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
brokeragenumberBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnover_feesnumberTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberStamp duty paid on transfer of shares
sgstnumberState GST
cgstnumberCentral GST
igstnumberIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberAny other expense relating to the transfer of shares
nature_of_settlementstringThe nature of the settlement of the contract
realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
transfer_expensesnumberAny expense relating to the transfer of shares.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses
taxable_pnlstringThe taxable amount of the trade
turnovernumberTurnover of the transaction
income_headstringThe income head of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
income_sub_headstringThe income subhead of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
tax_ratestringThe applicable tax rate for the trade.

Bond Tradewise Tax Pnl Sheet

Bond Tradewise Transfer Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
security_namestringSymbol or description of bond
quantitynumberTrading quantity
transfer_datenumberThe date on which the transfer completed
pricenumberPrice at which a unit was transferred
transfer_typestringIndicates whether the transfer is: IN or OUT
nature_of_transferstringRefer to Nature of Transfer
transfer_valuenumberTotal trading amount
transfer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of bond

Bond Transaction Summary Table

nature_of_transactionstringRefer to Nature of Transaction
total_transaction_valuenumberTotal value of the all the transactions
realised_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
transafer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of bonds.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses

Bond Tradewise Holding Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
security_namestringSymbol or description of bond
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_datenumberThe date on which the bond was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricestringLast traded market price of the bond.
unrealized_pnlstringUnrealized pnl on the holding

Bond Tradewise Open Sell Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
security_namestringSymbol or description of bond
quantitynumberTrading quantity
sell_datenumberThe date on which the bond was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricestringLast traded market price of the bond.
unrealized_pnlstringUnrealized pnl on the holding

Bond Tradewise Tax Pnl Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
security_namestringSymbol or description of bond
is_listedbooleanis the bond listed in public markets
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the buy transaction
buy_datenumberThe date on which the bond was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
sell_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the sell transaction
sell_datenumberThe date on which the bond was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
cost_of_acquisitionnumbercost of acquisition considered for calculating taxable pnl.
brokeragenumberBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnover_feesnumberTurnover fees by SEBI
stamp_dutynumberStamp duty paid on transfer of bonds
sgstnumberState GST
cgstnumberCentral GST
igstnumberIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberAny other expense relating to the transfer of bonds
nature_of_settlementstringThe nature of the transaction of the bond
realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
transfer_expensesnumberAny expense relating to the transfer of shares.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses
taxable_pnlstringThe taxable amount of the trade
holding_periodstringThe holding period of the bond could be either long_term or short_term
turnovernumberTurnover of the transaction
income_headstringThe income head of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
income_sub_headstringThe income subhead of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
tax_ratestringThe applicable tax rate for the trade.
sectionstringThe section under which it will be taxed

Debenture Tradewise Tax Pnl Sheet

Debenture Tradewise Transfer Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
security_namestringSymbol or description of debenture
quantitynumberTrading quantity
transfer_datenumberThe date on which the transfer completed
pricenumberPrice at which a unit was transferred
transfer_typestringIndicates whether the transfer is: IN or OUT
nature_of_transferstringRefer to Nature of Transfer
transfer_valuenumberTotal trading amount
transfer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of debenture

Debenture Transaction Summary Table

nature_of_transactionstringRefer to Nature of Transaction
total_transaction_valuenumberTotal value of the all the transactions
realised_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
transafer_expensenumberAny expense relating to the transfer of debenture.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses

Debenture Tradewise Holding Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
security_namestringSymbol or description of debenture
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_datenumberThe date on which the debenture was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricestringLast traded market price of the debenture.
unrealized_pnlstringUnrealized pnl on the holding

Debenture Tradewise Open Sell Table

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
security_namestringSymbol or description of debenture
quantitynumberTrading quantity
sell_datenumberThe date on which the debenture was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
transaction_typestringIndicates whether the order is :
buy , sell, send, receive Or trade,
labelstringRefer to label for possible values
last_traded_pricestringLast traded market price of the debenture.
unrealized_pnlstringUnrealized pnl on the holding

Debenture Tradewise Tax P/L

isinstringISIN is the international security identification number
security_namestringSymbol or description of debenture
is_listedbooleanis the debenture listed in public markets
quantitynumberTrading quantity
buy_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the buy transaction
buy_datenumberThe date on which the debenture was bought
buy_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was bought
sell_trade_idstringTransaction ID of the sell transaction
sell_datenumberThe date on which the debenture was sold
sell_pricenumberPrice at which a unit was sold
cost_of_acquisitionnumbercost of acquisition considered for calculating taxable pnl.
brokeragenumberBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnover_feesnumberTurnover fees by SEBI
stamp_dutynumberStamp duty paid on transfer of debentures
sgstnumberState GST
cgstnumberCentral GST
igstnumberIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberAny other expense relating to the transfer of debentures
nature_of_settlementstringThe nature of the transaction of the debenture
realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade without considering transfer expenses
transfer_expensesnumberAny expense relating to the transfer of shares.
net_realized_pnlnumberThe realized profit or loss on the trade after considering transfer expenses
taxable_pnlstringThe taxable amount of the trade
holding_periodstringThe holding period of the debenture could be either long_term or short_term
turnovernumberTurnover of the transaction
income_headstringThe income head of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
income_sub_headstringThe income subhead of ITR under which the income of a specific trade is to be reported
tax_ratestringThe applicable tax rate for the trade.
sectionstringThe section under which it will be taxed