Test Cases


Compliance API

Search TAN API

Run in PostmanResponseRemark
Test Request200Valid TAN (Company)
Test Request200Valid TAN (Individual)
Test Request200No Records Found
Test Request422Invalid TAN Pattern
Test Request500Failed to get TAN

Section 206AB & 206CCA Compliance Check

Run in PostmanResponseRemark
Test Request200Specified person
Test Request200Specified person
Test Request200Specified person
Test Request200Specified person
Test Request200Specified person
Test Request200Not a specified person
Test Request200Not a specified person
Test Request200Not a specified person
Test Request200Not a specified person
Test Request200Invalid PAN
Test Request422Invalid PAN Pattern

TDS Return API - TXT & CSI

Submit Job API

Run in PostmanResponseRemark
Text Request200Job will be successful
Test Request200Job will fail with the message: Regular Statement with the same TAN, Financial Year, FORM, and Quarter is already furnished
Test Request200Job will fail with the message: TAN present in the Statement/Application is not valid, kindly furnish a valid TAN
Test Request200Job will fail with the message: The statement cannot be filed before the end of the relevant quarter of the current Financial Year
Test Request200Job will fail and will provide a Validation Report URL
Test Request422Invalid TAN Pattern
Test Request 422Invalid Form

Poll Job API

Run in PostmanResponseRemark
Test Request200Job Queued Response
Test Request200Job Done Response
Test Request200Job Failed: Regular Statement with the same TAN, Financial Year, FORM, and Quarter is already furnished
Test Request200Job Failed: TAN present in the Statement/Application is not valid, kindly furnish a valid TAN
Test Request200Job Failed: The statement cannot be filed before the end of the relevant quarter of the current Financial Year
Test Request200Job Failed with Validation Report URL

TDS Return API - Zip of FVU & Form 27A

Submit Job API

Run in PostmanResponseRemark
Test Request200The job will be successful
Test Request200The job will fail with the message: Regular Statement with the same TAN, Financial Year, FORM, and Quarter is already furnished
Test Request200The job will fail with the message: Unacceptable FVU
Test Request200The job will fail with the message: Invalid Archive
Test Request200The job will fail with the message: Invalid Number of entries in Archive: 1
Test Request200The job will fail with the message: Form Type Mismatch
Test Request200The job will fail with the message: Quarter Mismatch
Test Request200The job will fail with the message: Barcode Mismatch
Test Request200The job will fail with the message: Financial Year Mismatch
Test Request200The job will fail with the message: TAN Mismatch
Test Request200The job will fail with the message: FVU Missing
Test Request200The job will fail with the message: Form 27A missing
Test Request422Invalid TAN Pattern
Test Request422Invalid Form

Poll Job API

Run in PostmanResponseRemark
Test Request200Job Queued Response
Test Request200Job Done Response
Test Request200Job Failed: Regular Statement with the same TAN, Financial Year, FORM, and Quarter is already furnished
Test Request200Job Failed: Unacceptable FVU
Test Request200Job Failed: Invalid Archive
Test Request200Job Failed: Invalid Number of entries in Archive: 1
Test Request200Job Failed: Form Type Mismatch
Test Request200Job Failed: Quarter Mismatch
Test Request200Job Failed: Barcode Mismatch
Test Request200Job Failed: Financial Year Mismatch
Test Request200Job Failed: TAN Mismatch
Test Request200Job Failed: FVU Missing
Test Request200Job Failed: Form 27A missing

TDS Certificate API

Submit Job API

Run in PostmanResponseRemark
Test Request200Success: Form 16
Test Request200Success: Form 16A
Test Request200Success: Form 16A (Invalid Credentials)
Test Request200Success: Form 16A (Invalid Security Captcha)
Test Request200Success: Form 16A (Invalid TAN)
Test Request200Success: Form 16A (Form not available)
Test Request422Credentials missing
Test Request422Security captcha missing
Test Request422Invalid TAN pattern
Test Request422Invalid form type
Test Request422Invalid quarter
Test Request422Invalid financial year
Test Request422Form 16A - Form mismatch
Test Request422Form 16A - Quarter mismatch
Test Request422Form 16A - Form Mismatch

Poll Job API

Run in PostmanResponseRemark
Test Request200Job created
Test Request200Job queued
Test Request200Job succeeded (Form 16)
Test Request200Job succeeded (Form 16A)
Test Request200Job Failed: Invalid Credentials
Test Request200Job Failed: Invalid Security Captcha
Test Request200Job Failed: Invalid TAN
Test Request200Job failed: Form not available
Test Request422Invalid Job ID
Test Request521Data not found

Report API

TDS Report

Submit Job API

Run in PostmanResponseRemarks
Test Request200The job will be successful
Test Request200The job will be successful
Test Request200The job will be successful
Test Request200The job will be successful
Test Request200The job will fail with a Validation report
Test Request422Invalid TAN Pattern
Test Request422Invalid Form

Poll Job API

Run in PostmanResponseRemarks
Test Request200Job succeeded for Form 26Q
Test Request200Job succeeded for Form 27Q
Test Request200Job succeeded for Form 24Q
Test Request200Job succeeded for Form 24Q (Q4)
Test Request200Job failed with a Validation report

TCS Report

Submit Job API

Run in PostmanResponseRemarks
Test Request200The job will be successful
Test Request200The job will fail with a Validation report
Test Request422Invalid TAN Pattern

Poll Job API

Run in PostmanResponseRemarks
Test Request200Job created
Test Request200Job queued
Test Request200Job succeeded
Test Request200Job failed with a Validation report

Calculator API

Non-Salary Payments API

Run in PostmanResponseRemarks
Test Request200Success - TDS u/s 194BA
Test Request200Success - TDS u/s 194C
Test Request200Success - TDS u/s 194C
Test Request200Success - TDS u/s 194LC
Test Request200Success - TDS u/s 195

Calculate TCS API

Run in PostmanResponseRemarks
Test Request200Success - TCS on remittance under LRS
Test Request200Success - TCS on sale of overseas tour package
Test Request200Success - TCS on sale of motor vehicle
Test Request200Success - TCS on sale of tendu leaves
Test Request200Success - TCS on sale of goods