Scripwise Settlement | Domestic Securities

Stock Scripwise Settlement Sheet

Stock Scripwise Settlement Table

idstringNoUnique Identifier
isinstringNoISIN is the international security identification number
symbolstringYesSymbol or description of equity stock
is_listedbooleanYesis the equity stock listed in public markets
is_stt_paidbooleanYeswas security transaction tax paid on this trade
quantitynumberYesTrading quantity
buy_averagenumberYesAverage buy price across all trades
sell_averagenumberYesAverage sell price across all trades
holding_periodnumberYesHolding period, possible values
intraday, long_term, short_term
brokeragenumberNoBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberNoCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberNoTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnover_feesnumberNoTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberNoSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberNoStamp duty paid on transfer of stocks
sgstnumberNoState GST
cgstnumberNoCentral GST
igstnumberNoIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberNoAny other expense relating to the transfer of stocks.
product_typestringYesIndicates whether the order is :
delivery , intraday

Mutual Fund Scripwise Settlement Sheet

Mutual Fund Scripwise Settlement Table

idstringNoUnique Identifier
isinstringNoISIN is the international security identification number
is_listedbooleanYesis the mutual fund listed on public markets
is_stt_paidbooleanYeswas security transaction tax paid on this trade
scheme_namestringYesSymbol or name of mutual fund
asset_classstringYesAsset class of fund, possible values
equity, debt, other
quantitynumberYesTrading quantity
buy_averagenumberYesAverage buy price across all trades
sell_averagenumberYesAverage sell price across all trades
holding_periodnumberYesHolding period, possible values
short_term, long_term
transfer_expensesnumberNoAny expense relating to the transfer of asset

ETF Scripwise Settlement Sheet

ETF Scripwise Settlement Table

idstringNoUnique Identifier
isinstringNoISIN is the international security identification number
is_listedbooleanYesis the mutual fund listed on public markets
is_stt_paidbooleanYeswas security transaction tax paid on this trad
scheme_namestringYesSymbol or name of fund
asset_classstringYesAsset class of fund, possible values
equity, debt, other
quantitynumberYesTrading quantity
buy_averagenumberYesAverage buy price across all trades
sell_averagenumberYesAverage sell price across all trades
holding_periodnumberYesHolding period, possible values
short_term, long_term,intraday
brokeragenumberNoBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberNoCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberNoTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnovvver_feesnumberNoTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberNoSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberNoStamp duty paid on transfer of fund
sgstnumberNoState GST
cgstnumberNoCentral GST
igstnumberNoIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberNoAny other expense relating to the transfer of fund
product_typestringYesIndicates whether the order is :
delivery , intraday

Future Scripwise Settlement Sheet

Future Scripwise Settlement Table

idstringNoUnique Identifier
isinstringNoISIN is the international security identification number
contract_namestringYesName of contract
asset_classstringYesThe asset class of the contract. Possible values
equity, currency & commodity
quantitynumberYesTrading quantity
buy_averagenumberYesAverage buy price across all trades
sell_averagenumberYesAverage sell price across all trades
brokeragenumberNoBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberNoCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberNoTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnover_feesnumberNoTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberNoSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberNoStamp duty paid on transfer of contracts
sgstnumberNoState GST
cgstnumberNoCentral GST
igstnumberNoIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberNoAny other expense relating to the transfer of contracts

Option Scripwise Settlement Sheet

Option Scripwise Settlement Table

idstringNoUnique Identifier
isinstringNoISIN is the international security identification number
contract_namestringYesName of contract
asset_classstringYesThe asset class of the contract. Possible values
equity, currency & commodity
quantitynumberYesTrading quantity
buy_averagenumberYesAverage buy price across all trades
sell_averagenumberYesAverage sell price across all trades
brokeragenumberNoBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberNoCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberNoTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnover_feesnumberNoTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberNoSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberNoStamp duty paid on transfer of contracts
sgstnumberNoState GST
cgstnumberNoCentral GST
igstnumberNoIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberNoAny other expense relating to the transfer of contracts

Bond Scripwise Settlement Sheet

Bond Scripwise Settlement Table

idstringNoUnique Identifier
isinstringNoISIN is the international security identification number
security_namestringYesSymbol or name of a bond
is_listedbooleanYesis the bond listed on public markets
quantitynumberYesTrading quantity
buy_averagenumberYesAverage buy price across all trades
sell_averagenumberYesAverage sell price across all trades
holding_periodnumberYesHolding period, possible values
short_term, long_term
brokeragenumberNoBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberNoCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberNoTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnovvver_feesnumberNoTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberNoSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberNoStamp duty paid on transfer of bond
sgstnumberNoState GST
cgstnumberNoCentral GST
igstnumberNoIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberNoAny other expense relating to the transfer of bond

Debenture Scripwise Settlement Sheet

Debenture Scripwise Settlement Table

idstringNoUnique Identifier
isinstringNoISIN is the international security identification number
security_namestringYesSymbol or name of a debenture
is_listedbooleanYesis the debenture listed on public markets
quantitynumberYesTrading quantity
buy_averagenumberYesAverage buy price across all trades
sell_averagenumberYesAverage sell price across all trades
holding_periodnumberYesHolding period, possible values
short_term, long_term
brokeragenumberNoBrokerage expense
clearing_chargesnumberNoCharges charged by clearing house
exchange_transaction_chargesnumberNoTransaction charges by exchange
sebi_turnovvver_feesnumberNoTurnover fees by SEBI
sttnumberNoSecurity Transaction Tax
stamp_dutynumberNoStamp duty paid on transfer of debenture
sgstnumberNoState GST
cgstnumberNoCentral GST
igstnumberNoIntegrated GST
other_transfer_expensesnumberNoAny other expense relating to the transfer of debenture