
This page serves as a repository of entities in the GST API requests and responses for seamless integration. Users can access the data from this page whenever needed for different API interactions.

Compliance API

Taxpayer session

access_tokenstringTaxpayer access tokeneyJhbGcxxxxxxxxxxxx.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.SflKxwRJSMxxxxxxxx
status_cdstringStatus codePossible values: 1 (Success), 0 (Failure)
token_expirystringToken expiry time in epoch1712392826345
session_expirystringSession expiry time in epoch1712947710000

Taxpayer API response

status_cdstringStatus codePossible values: 1 (Success), 0 (Failure)


gstinstringSupplier GSTIN24AAACJ3770E2ZZ
ret_periodnumReturn period022020
sup_detailsobjectDetails of Outward Supplies and inward supplies liable to reverse chargeCheck object
inter_supobjectDetails of inter-state supplies made to unregistered persons, composition taxable persons and UIN holdersCheck object
eco_dtlsobjectSupplies notified under section 9(5) of the CGST Act, 2017Check object
itc_elgobjectEligible ITCCheck object
inward_supobjectValues of exempt, nil-rated and non-GST inward suppliesCheck object
intr_ltfeeobjectInterest & late fees payableCheck object

Outward supplies

osup_nil_exmpobjectOther outward supplies (Nil rated, exempted)sup_details"txval": 250
osup_nongstobjectNon-GST outward suppliessup_details"txval": 250
osup_zeroobjectOutward taxable supplies (zero rated )sup_details"txval": 250,
"iamt": 100,
"csamt": 400
osup_detobjectOutward taxable supplies (other than zero rated, nil rated and exempted)sup_details"txval": 250,
"iamt": 100,
"camt": 200,
"samt": 300,
"csamt": 400
isup_revobjectInward supplies (liable to reverse charge)sup_details"txval": 250,
"iamt": 100,
"camt": 200,
"samt": 300,
"csamt": 400
txvalnumTotal Taxable valueosup_det200
iamtnumIntegrated Tax amount available in the current monthosup_det200
camtnumCentral Tax amount available in the current monthosup_det200
samtnumState/UT Tax amount available in the current monthosup_det200
csamtnumCess Tax amount available in the current monthosup_det200


comp_detailsarraySupplies made to Composition Taxable Personsinter_sup{
"pos": "07",
"txval": 250,
"iamt": 200
uin_detailsarraySupplies made to UIN holdersinter_sup{
"pos": "07",
"txval": 250,
"iamt": 200
unreg_detailsarraySupplies made to Unregistered Personsinter_sup{
"pos": "07",
"txval": 250,
"iamt": 200
posstringPlace of Supply (State/UT)comp_details"07"
iamtnumIGST Amount as per invoicecomp_details200
txvalnumTaxable Valuecomp_details250


eco_supobjectTaxable supplies on which electronic commerce operator pays tax u/s 9(5)eco_dtls"txval": 250,
"iamt": 100,
"camt": 200,
"samt": 300,
"csamt": 400
eco_reg_supobjectTaxable supplies made by registered person through electronics commerce operatoreco_dtls"txval": 250
txvalnumTaxable Valueeco_sup250
iamtnumIntegrated Tax amount available in the current montheco_sup100
camtnumCentral Tax amount available in the current montheco_sup200
samtnumState/UT Tax amount available in the current montheco_sup300
csamtnumCess Tax amount available in the current montheco_sup400


itc_avlarrayITC Available (whether in full or part)itc_elg{
"ty": "IMPG",
"iamt": 136.53,
"camt": 274,
"samt": 162.99,
"csamt": 103
itc_revarrayITC Reverseditc_elg{
"ty": "RUL",
"iamt": 136.53,
"camt": 274,
"samt": 162.99,
"csamt": 103
itc_netobjectNet ITC Availableitc_elg"iamt": 136.53,
"camt": 274,
"samt": 162.99,
"csamt": 103
itc_inelgarrayIneligible ITCitc_elg{
"ty": "OTH",
"iamt": 136.53,
"camt": 274,
"samt": 162.99,
"csamt": 103
tystringIdentifier if Goods or Services. Possible values: IMPG, IMPS, ISRC, ISD, RUL, OTHitc_avl"RUL"
iamtnumIntegrated Tax amount available in the current monthitc_avl136.53
camtnumCGST Amount as per invoiceitc_avl274
samtnumSGST Amount as per invoiceitc_avl162.99
csamtnumCess Tax amount available in the current monthitc_avl103


isup_detailsarrayInward Supply Detailsinward_sup{
"ty": "GST",
"inter": 100,
"intra": 200
intranumIntra - State suppliesisup_details400
tystringIdentifer if Goods or Services. Possible values: GST, NONGSTisup_details"GST"
internumInter - State suppliesisup_details100


intr_detailsobjectInterest Paid"iamt": 10,
"camt": 20,
"samt": 30,
"csamt": 40

e-Invoice session

access_tokenstringe-Invoice access tokeneyJhbGcxxxxxxxxxxxx.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.SflKxwRJSMxxxxxxxx
StatusstringStatus codePossible values: 1 (Success), 0 (Failure)
expirystringToken expiry time in EPOCH1708693832


VersionstringVersion of the schema1.1
TranDtlsobjectTransaction DetailsCheck object
DocDtlsobjectDocument DetailsCheck object
SellerDtlsobjectSupplier DetailsCheck object
BuyerDtlsobjectBuyer DetailsCheck object
DispDtlsobjectDispatch DetailsCheck object
ShipDtlsobjectShipping DetailsCheck object
ItemListobjectItem ListsCheck object
ValDtlsobjectInvoice Value DetailsCheck object
PayDtlsobjectPayment DetailsCheck object
RefDtlsobjectReference DetailsCheck object
AddlDocDtlsobjectAdditional Document DetailsCheck object
ExpDtlsobjectExport DetailsCheck object
EwbDtlsobjectE-Way Bill DetailsCheck object

Transaction Details

TaxSchstringGST- Goods and Services Tax SchemeGST
SupTypstringType of Supply:
B2B-Business to Business,
SEZWP - SEZ with payment,
SEZWOP - SEZ without payment,
EXPWP - Export with Payment,
EXPWOP - Export without payment,
DEXP - Deemed Export
RegRevstringwhether the tax liability is payable under reverse charge. Possible values: Y or NY
EcmGstinstringGSTIN of e-Commerce operatornull
IgstOnIntrastringSupply is intra-state and chargeable to IGST. Possible Values: Y or NN

Document Details

TypstringDocument Type. Possible values: INV - Invoice, CRN - Credit note, DBN - Debit noteINV
NostringDocument NumberDOC/001
DtstringDocument Date18/08/2020

Seller Details

GstinstringGSTIN of supplier37ARZPT4384Q1MT
LglNmstringLegal NameNIC company pvt ltd
TrdNmstringTradenameNIC Industries
Addr1stringBuilding/Flat no, Road/Street5th block, kuvempu layout
Addr2stringAddress 2 of the supplier (Floor no., Name of the premises/building)kuvempu layout
StcdstringState Code of the supplier37
PhstringPhone or Mobile No9000000000
EmstringEmail-Id[email protected]

Buyer Details

GstinstringGSTIN of Buyer, URP if exporting29AWGPV7107B1Z1
LglNmstringLegal NameXYZ company pvt ltd
TrdNmstringTradenameXYZ Industries
PosstringState code of Place of supply. If POS lies outside the country, the code shall be 96.12
Addr1stringAddress 1 of the buyer. (Building/Flat no., Road/Street etc.)7th block, kuvempu layout
Addr2stringAddress 2 of the buyer. (Floor no., Name of the premises/ building)kuvempu layout
StcdstringState Code of the buyer29
PhstringPhone or Mobile No91111111111
EmstringEmail-Id[email protected]

Dispatch Details

NmstringName of the company from which the goods are dispatchedABC company pvt ltd
Addr1stringAddress 1 of the entity from which goods are dispatched. (Building/Flat no.Road/Street etc.)7th block, kuvempu layout
Addr2stringAddress 2 of the entity from which goods are dispatched. (Floor no., Name of the premises/building)kuvempu layout
StcdstringState Code from where goods are dispatched.29

Shipping Details

GstinstringGSTIN of entity to whom goods are shipped29AWGPV7107B1Z1
LglNmstringLegal NameCBE company pvt ltd
TrdNmstringTrade Namekuvempu layout
Addr1stringAddress1 of the entity to whom the supplies are shipped to. (Building/Flat no., Road/Street etc.)7th block, kuvempu layout
Addr2stringAddress 2 of the entity to whom the supplies are shipped to. (Floor no., Name of the premises/building).kuvempu layout
LocstringPlace (City,Town,Village) entity to whom the supplies are shipped to.Banagalore
StcdstringState Code to which supplies are shipped to29

Item List

SlNostringSerial No. of Item1
PrdDescstringProduct DescriptionRice
IsServcstringSpecify whether the supply is service or not.
Y- Service, N - Not service
HsnCdstringHSN Code1001
BarcdestringBar Code123456
FreeQtystringFree Quantity10
UnitPricestringUnit Price - Rate99.545
TotAmtstringGross Amount (Unit Price * Quantity)9988.84
PreTaxValstringPre tax value1
AssAmtstringTaxable Value (Total Amount -Discount)9978.84
GstRtstringThe GST rate, represented as percentage that applies to the invoiced item. It will IGST rate only.12.0
IgstAmtstring Amount of IGST payable1197.46
CgstAmtstringAmount of CGST payable0
SgstAmtstring Amount of SGST payable0
CesRtstringCess Rate5
CesAmtstringCess Amount(Advalorem) on basis of rate and quantity of item498.94
CesNonAdvlAmtstringCess Non-Advol Amount10
StateCesRtstringState CESS Rate12
StateCesAmtstringState CESS Amount1197.46
StateCesNonAdvlAmtstringState CESS Non Adval Amount5
OthChrgstringOther Charges10
TotItemValstringTotal Item Value = Assessable Amount + CGST Amt + SGST Amt + Cess Amt + CesNonAdvlAmt + StateCesAmt + StateCesNonAdvlAmt+Otherchrg12897.7
OrdLineRefstringOrder line reference3256
OrgCntrystringOrigin Country.AG
PrdSlNostringSerial number in case of each item having a unique number12345
BchDtlsjson objectBatch Details
AttribDtlsjson objectAttribute Details
Batch Details
NmstringBatch number123456
ExpDtstringBatch Expiry Date01/08/2020
WrDtstringWarranty Date01/09/2020
Attribute Details
NmstringAttribute name of the itemRice
ValstringAttribute value of the item10000

Invoice Value Details

AssValstringTotal Assessable value of all items9978.84
CgstValstringTotal CGST value of all items0
SgstValstringTotal SGST value of all items0
IgstValstringTotal IGST value of all items1197.46
CesValstringTotal CESS value of all items508.94
StCesValstringTotal State CESS value of all items1202.46
OthChrgstringOther Charges20
RndOffAmtstringRounded off amount0.3
TotInvValstringFinal Invoice value12908
TotInvValFcstringFinal Invoice value in Additional Currency12897.7

Payment Details

NmstringPayee NameABCDE
AccDetstringBank account number of payee5697389713210
ModestringMode of Payment: Cash, Credit, Direct TransferCash
FinInsBrstringBranch or IFSC codeSBIN11000
PayTermstringTerms of Payment100
PayInstrstringPayment InstructionGift
CrTrnstringCredit Transfertest
DirDrstringDirect Debittest
CrDaystringCredit Days100
PaidAmtstringThe sum of amount which have been paid in advance10000
PaymtDuestringOutstanding amount that is required to be paid5000

Reference Details

DocPerdDtlsjson objectInvoice Period Details
Invoice Period Details
InvStDtstringInvoice Period Start Date01/08/2020
InvEndDtstringInvoice Period End Date01/09/2020
Preceding Document/Invoice Details
InvNostringReference of original invoice, if anyDOC/002
InvDtstringDate of preceding invoice01/08/2020
OthRefNostringOther Reference123456
Contract Details
RecAdvRefrstringReceipt Advice No.Doc/003
RecAdvDtstringDate of receipt advice01/08/2020
Abc001TendRefrstringLot/Batch Reference No.Abc001
ContrRefrstringContract Reference NumberCo123
ExtRefrstringAny other referenceYo456
ProjRefrstringProject Reference NumberDoc-456
PORefrstringPO Reference NumberDoc-789

Additional Document Details

UrlstringSupporting document URL
DocsstringSupporting document in Base64 Format
InfostringAny additional informationDocument Test

Export Details

ShipBNostringShipping Bill No.A-248
ShipBDtstringShipping Bill Date01/08/2020
PortstringPort Code.INABG1
RefClmstringClaiming Refund
Y - Yes, N - No
ForCurstringAdditional Currency CodeAED
CntCodestringCountry CodeAE
ExpDutystringExport Dutynull

E-Way Bill Details

TransNamestringName of the transporterXYZ EXPORTS
TransModestringMode of transport:
1 - Road
2 - Rail
3 - Air
4 - Ship
DistancestringDistance between source and destination PIN codes100
TransDocNostringTransport Document NumberDOC01
TransDocDtstringTransport Document Date18/08/2020
VehNostringVehicle Numberka123456
VehTypestringVehicle Type:
O-ODC (Overdimentional Cargo)
R- Regular