PUT Request on Presigned URL
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JSON Payload
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"@entity": "workbook",
"name": "tradebook_workbook",
"sheets": [
"name": "crypto_currency_spot_tradebook_sheet",
"@entity": "sheet",
"blocks": [
"name": "crypto_currency_spot_tradebook_table",
"@entity": "table",
"header": ["id", "date_epoch", "transaction_type", "label", "received_currency", "received_quantity", "price", "price_currency", "price_in_inr", "sent_currency", "sent_quantity", "fee_currency", "fee_amount", "fee_in_inr"],
"rows": [
["acdcwefew3e1113vcd", 1682985600000, "buy", null, "BTC", 8.4567, 265, "INR", 2241.0254999999997, null, null, "INR", 20, 20],
["nknee38ni9cd3defeve", 1687132800000, "buy", null, "XRP", 9.0123, 58.68, "INR", 528.841764, null, null, "INR", 50, 50],
["nrezxcetgf2334jk0333d", 1690416000000, "sell", null, null, null, 278.98, "INR", 995.3532134000001, "BTC", 3.56783, "INR", 10.4564, 10.4564],
["fwhjceco2trsc344f322e", 1690934400000, "buy", null, "BTC", 10.9873, 309.8, "INR", 3403.86554, null, null, "INR", 288, 288],
["fwhjceco2trsc344f322e", 1690934400000, "sell", null, null, null, 75.35, "INR", 679.0768049999999, "XRP", 6.3544, "INR", 145.89, 145.89],
["zxc1rtvmk3456hkkve3w", 1696291200000, "sell", null, null, null, 48.49, "INR", 65.92700399999998, "XRP", 1.3595999999999997, null, null, null],
["zxc1rtvmk3456hkkve3w", 1696291200000, "sell", null, null, null, 48.49, "INR", 62.954567000000004, "XRP", 1.2983, null, null, null],
["klop3sdcwf23445dwedc", 1594684800000, "buy", null, "ETH", 0.9822, 120.455, "INR", 118.31090099999999, null, null, null, null, null],
["klop3sdcwf2347d12wxbk", 1708646400000, "sell", null, null, null, 511.698, "INR", 233.79481619999999, "ETH", 0.4569, null, null, null],
["efvdf3vmndvnor349023s", 1711843200000, "buy", null, "SOL", 2000, 0.3117, "INR", 623.4, null, null, null, null, null],
["wg3rg43wfege1dbdg33f", 1687392000000, "trade", null, "MATIC", 100, 2.45, "SOL", 88.3669, "SOL", 245, null, null, null],
["gjekbek45vdge32w3fegf", 1692057600000, "send", "staking", null, null, null, null, 560.456, "MATIC", 50, null, null, null],
["egrgrbko4542gfvfg4gv332", 1693008000000, "receive", "staking_reward", "MATIC", 12.568, null, null, 140.8762, null, null, null, null, null],
["efkpfemfpe45efrG3r32f2A", 1695859200000, "receive", "staking", "MATIC", 50, null, null, 715.255, null, null, null, null, null],
["acdcwefew3e1113vcd", 1682985600000, "buy", null, "USDT", 350, 84.311, "INR", 29508.850000000002, null, null, "INR", 20, 20],
["nknee38ni9cd3defeve", 1687132800000, "sell", null, null, null, 85.23, "INR", 4261.5, "USDT", 50, "INR", 50, 50],
["kyjrtgew45568efeg12ds", 1687219200000, "send", "margin", null, null, 84.311, "INR", 5901.77, "USDT", 70, null, null, null],
["hjdj0plsejw3n227890c", 1687824000000, "receive", "margin", "USDT", 70, 84.311, "INR", 5901.77, null, null, null, null, null],
["nrezxcetgf2334jk0333d", 1690416000000, "receive", "margin_gain", "USDT", 40, 85, "INR", 3400, null, null, null, null, null],
["fwhjceco2trsc344f322e", 1690934400000, "send", "margin", "USDT", null, 86.55, "INR", 13848, "USDT", 160, null, null, null],
["fwhjceco2trsc344f322e", 1691020800000, "sell", null, null, null, 88, "INR", 8800, "USDT", 100, "INR", 145.89, 145.89],
["zxc1rtvmk3456hkkve3w", 1691020800000, "send", "margin", null, null, 88.35, "INR", 4417.5, "USDT", 50, null, null, null],
["zxc1rtvmk3456hkkve3w", 1694131200000, "receive", "margin", "USDT", 160, 86.55, "INR", 13848, null, null, null, null, null],
["klop3sdcwf23445dwedc", 1694131200000, "send", "margin_loss", null, null, 89, "INR", 4450, "USDT", 50, null, null, null],
["klop3sdcwf2347d12wxbk", 1708646400000, "sell", null, null, null, 91.09, "INR", 3643.6000000000004, "USDT", 40, null, null, null]
"name": "crypto_currency_spot_last_traded_price_list",
"@entity": "list",
"items": [
["cryptocurrency_name", "last_traded_price"],
["BTC", 299.785],
["USDT", 95.45],
["XRP", 38.45],
["SOL", 0.0145],
["ETH", 89.566],
["MATIC", 1256.789]
"name": "crypto_currency_future_tradebook_sheet",
"@entity": "sheet",
"blocks": [
"name": "crypto_currency_future_tradebook_table",
"@entity": "table",
"header": ["id", "contract_name", "date_epoch", "transaction_type", "quantity", "price", "price_currency", "price_in_inr", "fee_amount", "fee_currency", "fee_in_inr"],
"rows": [
["addf3434mkvefv456h", "BTC-USDT", 1687219200000, "buy", 1, 70, "USDT", 5901.77, 1000, "INR", 1000],
["fege4343gbgee344tg", "BTC-USDT", 1687305600000, "sell", 1, 110, "USDT", 9350, 400, "INR", 400],
["fhtyjrg35n788985gff3", "ETH-USDT", 1690934400000, "buy", 3, 160, "USDT", 14640, 500, "INR", 500],
["fhtyjrg35n788985gff4", "XRP-USDT", 1691020800000, "buy", 2, 65, "USDT", 5742.75, 233, "INR", 233],
["fhtyjrg35n788985gff5", "ETH-USDT", 1694131200000, "sell", 3, 110, "USDT", 9790, null, null, null]
"name": "crypto_currency_future_last_traded_price_list",
"@entity": "list",
"items": [
["contract_name", "last_traded_price"],
["BTC-USDT", 145],
["XRP-USDT", 85]