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Tradewise Tax PnL

View Workbook


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  "name": "tradewise_tax_pnl_workbook",
  "@entity": "workbook",
  "sheets": [
      "name": "crypto_currency_spot_tradewise_tax_pnl_sheet",
      "@entity": "sheet",
      "blocks": [
          "name": "crypto_currency_spot_tradewise_tax_pnl_table",
          "@entity": "table",
          "header": [
          "rows": [
              3.56783, "acdcwefew3e1113vcd",
              1682985600000, 265, "nrezxcetgf2334jk0333d",
              1690416000000, 278.98, "short_term",
              49.8782634, 18.894277659134, 30.983985740866, "trade",
              49.8782634, "capital_gains",
              245, "efvdf3vmndvnor349023s",
              1711843200000, 0.3117, "wg3rg43wfege1dbdg33f",
              1687392000000, 36.06812244898, "short_term",
              8760.3235000001, 0, 8760.3235000001, "trade",
              8760.3235000001, "capital_gains",
              6.3544, "nknee38ni9cd3defeve",
              1687132800000, 58.68, "fwhjceco2trsc344f322e",
              1690934400000, 75.35, "short_term",
              105.927848, 181.144041698568, -75.216193698568, "trade",
              105.927848, "capital_gains",
              2.6579, "nknee38ni9cd3defeve",
              1687132800000, 58.68, "zxc1rtvmk3456hkkve3w",
              1696291200000, 48.49, "short_term",
              -27.084001, 14.745958301432, -41.829959301432, "trade",
              0, "capital_gains",
              0.4569, "klop3sdcwf23445dwedc",
              1594684800000, 120.455, "klop3sdcwf2347d12wxbk",
              1708646400000, 511.698, "long_term",
              178.7589267, 0, 178.7589267, "trade",
              178.7589267, "capital_gains",
              50, "acdcwefew3e1113vcd",
              1682985600000, 84.311, "nknee38ni9cd3defeve",
              1687132800000, 85.23, "short_term",
              45.95, 52.857142857143, -6.907142857143, "trade",
              45.95, "capital_gains",
              100, "acdcwefew3e1113vcd",
              1682985600000, 84.311, "fwhjceco2trsc344f322e",
              1691020800000, 88, "short_term",
              368.9, 151.604285714286, 217.295714285714, "trade",
              368.9, "capital_gains",
              40, "acdcwefew3e1113vcd",
              1682985600000, 84.311, "klop3sdcwf2347d12wxbk",
              1708646400000, 91.09, "short_term",
              271.16, 2.285714285714, 268.874285714286, "trade",
              271.16, "capital_gains",
          "name": "crypto_currency_tradewise_other_tax_pnl_table",
          "@entity": "table",
          "header": [
          "rows": [
              12.568, "egrgrbko4542gfvfg4gv332",
              1693008000000, 0, null, null, 1770.5320816, 1770.5320816, 0, 1770.5320816, "staking_reward",
              1770.5320816, "1770.532081600000",
          "name": "cryptocurrency_spot_tradewise_holding_table",
          "@entity": "table",
          "header": [
          "rows": [
              4.88887, 1682985600000, 265, 299.785],
              10.9873, 1690934400000, 309.8, 299.785],
              1755, 1711843200000, 0.3117, 0.0145],
              50, 1687392000000, 88.3669, 1256.789],
              50, 1687392000000, 88.3669, 1256.789],
              12.568, 1693008000000, 140.8762, 1256.789],
              0.5253, 1594684800000, 120.455, 89.566],
              70, 1682985600000, 84.311, 95.45],
              30, 1690416000000, 85, 95.45]
      "name": "crypto_currency_future_tradewise_tax_pnl_sheet",
      "@entity": "sheet",
      "blocks": [
          "name": "crypto_currency_future_tradewise_tax_pnl_table",
          "@entity": "table",
          "header": [
          "rows": [
              1, "addf3434mkvefv456h",
              1687219200000, 5901.77, "fege4343gbgee344tg",
              1687305600000, 9350, 3448.23, 1400, 2048.23, 2048.23, "business_and_profession",
              3, "fhtyjrg35n788985gff3",
              1690934400000, 14640, "fhtyjrg35n788985gff5",
              1694131200000, 9790, -14550, 500, -15050, -15050, "business_and_profession",
          "name": "crypto_currency_future_tradewise_open_position_table",
          "@entity": "table",
          "header": [
          "rows": [
              2, 1691020800000, 5742.75, 85]
      "name": "tax_pnl_summary_sheet",
      "@entity": "sheet",
      "blocks": [
          "name": "tax_pnl_summary_table",
          "@entity": "table",
          "header": [
          "rows": [
              9575.0556104001, 421.531420516277, 9153.52418988382, 9602.1396114001, "30"
              178.7589267, 0, 178.7589267, 178.7589267, "30"
              0, 0, 0, 0, "30"
              1770.5320816, 0, 1770.5320816, 1770.5320816, "slab_rate"
              -11101.77, 1900, -13001.77, -13001.77, "slab_rate"
          "name": "transaction_summary_table",
          "@entity": "table",
          "header": [
          "rows": [
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              27378.6236406001, 9753.8145371001, 421.531420516277, 9332.28311658382],
              1770.5320816, 1770.5320816, 0, 1770.5320816],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0],
              0, 0, 0, 0]
      "name": "schedule_vda_sheet",
      "@entity": "sheet",
      "blocks": [
          "name": "income_from_transafer_of_vda_table",
          "@entity": "table",
          "header": [
          "rows": [
            [1, 1682985600000, 1690416000000, "capital_gains",
              946, 996, 50],
            [2, 1711843200000, 1687392000000, "capital_gains",
              77, 8837, 8760],
            [3, 1687132800000, 1690934400000, "capital_gains",
              373, 479, 106],
            [4, 1687132800000, 1696291200000, "capital_gains",
              156, 129, 0],
            [5, 1594684800000, 1708646400000, "capital_gains",
              56, 234, 178],
            [6, 1682985600000, 1687132800000, "capital_gains",
              4216, 4262, 46],
            [7, 1682985600000, 1691020800000, "capital_gains",
              8432, 8800, 368],
            [8, 1682985600000, 1708646400000, "capital_gains",
              3373, 3644, 271]
          "name": "income_from_from_vda_summary_list",
          "@entity": "list",
          "items": [