If there is an incorrect request or issues at the source level, Sandbox API will return an error response such as below

    "code": 401,
    "message": "Unauthorized",
    "timestamp": 1687602744185,
    "transaction_id": "2230d738-2ef4-4821-a510-cb7fa51d19d8"

Error Codes

The following table provides you with the common error codes you may encounter when using our APIs, along with the possible reasons for them.

Status CodePossible Reason
2XX OKAll good
400 Bad RequestAPI request not as per contract (missing mandatory fields)
401 UnauthorizedAPI key/secret is invalid
403 ForbiddenRestricting access due to one of the errors described
- Invalid access token
- Access token has expired
- Insufficient privilege
- Insufficient credits
- Usage quota exhausted
- Access revoked
404 Not FoundAn incorrect URL is used
422 Unprocessable EntityValues/flags are incorrect as per schema or pattern
429 Too Many RequestsRate-limiting
500 Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong from Sandbox's side (very rare)
503 Service UnavailableOur source is not working, try again later
504 Gateway TimeoutYour request timed out, please try again