If there is an incorrect request or issues at the source level, Sandbox API will return an error response such as below
"code": 401,
"message": "Unauthorized",
"timestamp": 1687602744185,
"transaction_id": "2230d738-2ef4-4821-a510-cb7fa51d19d8"
Error Codes
The following table provides you with the common error codes you may encounter when using our APIs, along with the possible reasons for them.
Status Code | Possible Reason |
2XX OK | All good |
400 Bad Request | API request not as per contract (missing mandatory fields) |
401 Unauthorized | API key/secret is invalid |
403 Forbidden | Restricting access due to one of the errors described - Invalid access token - Access token has expired - Insufficient privilege - Insufficient credits - Usage quota exhausted - Access revoked |
404 Not Found | An incorrect URL is used |
422 Unprocessable Entity | Values/flags are incorrect as per schema or pattern |
429 Too Many Requests | Rate-limiting |
500 Internal Server Error | Something went wrong from Sandbox's side (very rare) |
503 Service Unavailable | Our source is not working, try again later |
504 Gateway Timeout | Your request timed out, please try again |
Updated 8 months ago