
TCS Reports API

Similar to TDS, TCS returns are to be filed every quarter. In order to do so, the collector needs to create a .txt file containing all the necessary details of transactions that need to be submitted to the government.


206AB & 206CCA Compliance Check

To verify if a given PAN belongs to a specified person as per the Income Tax Act, you can use this API. Based on the API's response, you can deduct the relevant TDS when making any payments to that person.


New TDS Return APIs

As part of POST to GET, we have released new TDS Return APIs. While the methods to file TDS returns by providing TXT and CSI files or by submitting a zip file containing the FVU and Form 27A existed in previous contracts, we are enhancing the capabilities and streamlining the process with these new endpoints.


Older API contracts for TDS return filing

We have released a new and updated set of TDS Return Filing APIs. Following are the APIs marked deprecated:


Changes in Aadhaar OKYC API

We have improved the API requests and responses for ease of use for the users.


PAN Advance API

As notified in the changelog dated 05.04.2024, the upstream partners have discontinued PAN Advance API.


TCS Calculator API

We have gone live with TCS Calculator API. Now Calculate the TCS collectible on incoming payments by providing us the values such as the nature_of_payment, payment_amount and among other details.


New contracts for MCA APIs

We have deployed new API contracts for MCA APIs. Consequently, the previous contracts have been deprecated.


Deprecated contracts for GST e-Invoice API

We have deployed new API contracts for GST e-Invoice APIs, as detailed in the changelog here. Consequently, the previous contracts have been deprecated.


New contracts for GST e-Invoice API

New API contracts for GST e-Invoice API have been published along with improvements and bug fixes.