November, 2022

API Changelog November, 2022

Tax Payment APIs Entity changes

As we migrate our systems from OLTAS to TIN 2.0, we had to incorporate a few changes to the API contracts.

Changes in the challan entity

The Challan entity has been revamped significantly in view of TIN2.0. Previously, this challan would provide the following parameters:

  • bsr_code
  • challan_no.
  • download_url

However, with migration to TIN 2.0, the challan entity will solely consist of cin number. Refer to this article on how to download the challans henceforth.


Note that Fetch Challan API has been deprecated for the same reasons.

Changes in other entities

A few other entities have also undergone changes:

  • The address entity has been removed from the tax_payer entity
  • In the tax_breakup entity
    • other_amount and other_fee have been replaced with others.
    • interest_amount has been changed to interest.
    • penalty is no more an entity, but rather a parameter with an integer value.

All of these changes are now being reflected in our API documentation. In case of any queries, you can reach out to us at [email protected] .